Will Fisher to his mother
Atlanta, Georgia
Oct. 12, 1864
Dear Mother,
We have now been blockaded in this front for nearly three weeks, it being three weeks ago last Sabbath since the last mail north of Chattanooga came through, but today there is a mail to go out at 12 o’clock PM. but as I am very busy making out returns for clothing & also soldiers votes for we will have to hurry them through in order to have them get home by election day. The boys are all going strong for old “Abe” most every one to a man.
We have fortified the place here clear up to the teeth, but have not been molested as yet. I have written several letters since the mail closed, but I put them in the box & I suppose you will get them all in a heap.
This is already getting to be quite a place for amusements, there is billiards, minstrel bands & I don’t know what all, but it is so seldom that a fellow can get a pass & so much danger of getting picked up by provost guard that I have not been down but once.
How does Aunt Sarah do? I shall expect a good deal of news when the mail comes in for it has been silent so long. I am extremely well and hearty & enjoy myself tip top. We have not been cut down on rations yet except meat & this they did not have. Much love to all, particularly you & Sarah, from your absent boy.
Will G. Fisher