Will Fisher to his brother
Cambridge, New York
November 27, 1861
Dear Brother,
I thought as I had nothing to do today I would write you a line or two. Two weeks ago last Thursday Alex was down to our camp on his way to New York. At the same time D. Smart, Don Stevenson, Jimmy Gilmore & Jim Greene were all down. Alex said he saw Bill Smart in the Union Depot. Dan had just been to “Williams,” he said Haner & Dyer was there.
The next day I began to feel unwell & the next Monday I broke out with the measles & that night I was carried to the hospital. I was sick enough you had better believe. Wednesday mother was down to see me, & Friday I came home. That was a week ago last Friday & this is Wednesday. Ab Shiland came home at the same time sick with the measles.
Our regiment started for the seat of war last Friday so Ab and I are going on together next week or the week after. My office is musician and the pay is $23 per month.
But Uncle Nat’s folks have come & I will write some more tonight or in the morning.
Mrs. Fisher continues the letter on back
December 2, 1861
Willy seems to have come to a stand still with his letter and I don’t see any way for me to finish it and send it on. This was written last Wednesday, and Thursday morning our village was thrown into quite an excitement.
Wesley Wier had started for a hunting tour and it’s supposed he had his dog tied in his wagon and by some means the gun was discharged and the contents went through his heart killing him instantly. His horse came on up through the street and he was found a few rods below Mrs. Esman’s. Verily in the midst of life we are in death.
Willy has pretty much recovered from the measles. He expects to go on some time this week, has received no pay as yet, but has paid out considerable fare to and from Troy four times, and once for myself.
Aunt Sarah is still very poorly, almost helpless. There is still a good deal of sickness around. Jim Sweet is lying very low, and has buried a wife, son and daughter, and today F. P. Whelden has buried one child and another is not expected to live.
Willy brought home a letter last evening (Sabbath) that he took out of the office Friday. Thank you for writing. Will be glad to see you, beetle. If you wouldn’t fetch home company, more so.
I was down to Henry Culver’s celebrating the advent of a young daughter. She made her appearance on the stage of life Saturday evening.
I don’t think of any more news items.
Dear John, I hope you are striving through divine grace to live a devoted, consistent Christian.
Your mother,
E. Fisher