Will Fisher to his mother
Camp of the 123rd Regt. NYSV
Loudoun Valley, Virginia
November 13, 1862
Dear Mother,
I will try this afternoon & answer your rather tardy letter. I don’t think the mail is very regular now days for it takes several days for a letter to go through, very often. I suppose you will notice by the heading that we have moved since I wrote last.
You remember I wrote early one morning when we had got marching orders. Well, we did not move until the 30th of Oct. I was taken sick two days before this so that I could not march with the boys. So the next day after they marched I was taken with the rest of the sick in the ambulance to where the regt was which was on Loudoun Heights 4 miles from our old camp across on the Virginia side of the river. This was on the Shanendoa (I don’t know how to spell it) River. My sickness was a heavy cold & signs of fever, but I escaped the fever & soon got over my cold. Ever since I have had the rheumatism in my feet. Can’t hardly walk & of course can’t do any duty.
Well we stayed on the heights 2 days. When the regt. went out about 6 miles to the front doing picket duty they saw plenty of Rebels. Came near having a brush with them. We sick ones stayed in camp while they were gone. They stayed our four or five days when they moved straight across the mountain into Loudoun Valley about 2 miles.
This time all the sick that could move had to walk. It liked to killed my feet & here we are now. How long we will stay I don’t know, but I don’t think we will winter here. I should not wonder if we went to Wash. to winter. One thing is certain, we have been left behind the Grand Army for some purpose. I wish we could have gone with the advance. I think this regt.’s chance for seeing a battle is passed & I think, if I live, I shall be home by spring.
You spoke about undershirts & drawers. I wear my cotton shirts outside of my government shirts & we are just drawing clothing. I shall have drawers soon & stockings. Those are all I need at present. You need not send me any.
Dr. Kennedy gives me alcohol & sweet oil to put on my feet. I used my golden ointment. They are getting (well).
I was sorry to hear that Aunt Sarah was no better. I wish you would tell some of Uncle Nat’s folks to answer my letter or I never will write to them again. I wrote over four weeks ago. I had a letter from John a day or two ago. I suppose you have heard of W. Skellie’s death & all the particulars. Write very soon.
With love to all from,