Will Fisher to his brother
Camp of the 123rd Regt. NYSV
Loudoun Valley, Virginia
November 15, 1862
Dear Brother,
You will notice by the heading that our quarters have been changed since my last. Your welcome letter of Nov. 4th was received in just 3 days. I don’t see what makes the mail so slow now days.
We started on the march from Pleasant Valley (our old encampment) on the 25th of Oct. We crossed the river at Harpers Ferry & went about a mile up on Loudoun Heights. We stayed here 2 days, when we advanced about 6 miles out on picket & was gone 5 days. We seen lots of Rebels & came near having a brush. While we were there the men lived very high, the bill of fare consisted of fresh beef, chickens, geese, pigs, hogs and lots of honey.
Well, after 5 days the Rebels began to be to strong for us & we were ordered back to the camp, the tents remaining there during our absence. From there we moved directly across the Heights into Loudoun Valley where we are now. We are the only brigade in this valley. It is a nice warm place. We may winter here & we may not. I shouldn’t wonder if we went to Washington to winter. Some of our supplies have been moved there.
You spoke of the soldiers needing clothing & shoes. There is no such want around here. If there is any, it is not in the advanced army. Our regt. is drawing lots of all sorts of clothing now. I have just drawn some stockings & shoes.
I suppose you have heard of William Skellie’s death in camp. Henry Skellie came after him & took the body home. He was very homesick which I think helped to run him down as much as anything. He had the bloody flux.
I am getting acquainted with the Putnam boys lately a good deal. They all seem to think a great deal of you. I sometimes ask them what they think draws you up to Putnam & Benson. They all say that there is something while up there (ahem).
I wish the next time you write you would put in 4 or 5 postage stamps & write soon for I have to look up one to mail this. It will be a great favor to me. I have to call on mother for everything. I don’t know as we are ever going to get paid off. We were mustered the last of the month all right, but I guess we will be paid soon. When we get into winter quarters we will be all right.
I am troubled some with the rheumatism in my feet. It troubles me a good deal but they are getting better.
How does it suit you to have Gen. McClellan superseded. I don’t like it & in fact the whole army are very indignant at it.
But I must close. I had a letter from Mother the other day. Aunt Sarah is growing worse. She has not walked in three weeks. Mother has a hard time lifting her. All of the boys send their regards to you. Mr. Gordon is well. Remember me to the postage stamps.
Write soon to your brother.