Will Fisher to his mother
Camp of the 123rd Regt. near Sandy Hook, Maryland
About 4 o’clock PM, Tuesday, October 21, 1862

Dear Mother,

The mail has just arrived bringing to hand your letter of the 16th, the third letter I have received from you. It has made the quickest time of any letter I have seen, only three days. I suppose you have received some from me since the one you spoke of in your letter. I don’t know of any thing new since my last issue.
We are all well here except Robert Skellie who is sick of the fever, but we have got it broken up & he is doing well.
I got a letter from John the other night. He is well. You will get a letter stating that I had bought half a dollar’s worth of stamps & 1 dollar worth of paper.
I wrote to Uncle Nat Sabbath day and that night we, that is our company, had to go out on picket. We went about two miles from camp & our lines extended about 2 miles. I was sent, with 3 men, about halfway up on the mountain to guard a fork of the road. The men had to relieve one another & stop everyone & I had to examine the passes. No one could pass without a pass in daylight or the password at night. Some of the boys killed a calf & sent me up a piece.
But I can’t write any more this time. Give my love to all the folks. I write all I have time to & you must do the same.

From, Will

Monday morning, Oct. 22, 1862
Our knapsacks have just come this morning.