Will Fisher to his brother
Camp near Sandy Hook, Maryland
October 21, 1862
Dear Brother,
I received your first letter the other night & was right glad to hear from you. I had a letter from mother tonight. There was no news of any importance at home. David Bullions had buried a child about four years old. Jim Skinner is going out near Rochester to teach school this winter. The boys are all well here except Bob Skellie who has had the fever but is getting better.
Our company went out on picket Sunday at 4 o’clock & stayed 24 hours. I was sent with 3 men about halfway up the mountain to guard a road. I had to examine everyone’s pass that went that way. Some of the boys killed a calf & sent me up a piece which tasted mighty well but made me shit in such quantities that it ran down the side of the mountain.
Some of the boys are beginning to get a little homesick but not your brother by any means. I like this active service better than I did the Black Mare Cavalry. I do not have time to write half so much as I did then, so if I don’t write so much you must not find fault.
The Putnam boys are in the next company to us, nice fellows. I told Mr. Gordon your yarn. He preaches every Sunday.
But I must close. Write soon, best respects to everybody.
From your brother, Will