Will Fisher to his mother
Camp of the 123rd NY Vols., at Bridgeport, Alabama
December 2, 1863
My own dear Mother,
Although I have not received any letter since the one you wrote dated Nov. 4th, I thought I would write a little tonight. I have been expecting a letter from you for some time to know whether you got my letter about the box, but John Hover had one today stating that it was started last Thursday so guess you must have got it. I think there must be a letter for me somewhere on the road.
I forgot several important articles which I meant to send for, one was a paper of soda for we draw considerable flour now in place of hard bread and make a good deal of pancakes. We leave a few enzymes (I must confess I don’t know how to spell that). Well we leave a little batter in the dish to sour, consequently we have to have something to counteract the influence of the ferment or they cannot be eaten but I suppose you know something about such things as well as myself although I have got to be a great cook. I can bake bread or pies as well as any body. If I ever get home I shall not starve when you are gone away from home. Soda, such papers as we used to get to home for eight ct costs 50 & 60 ct a paper here. I saw gloves selling here for 4.50 & 5.00 while I am wearing the best pair I have seen this season with 14/— marked on them. I want you to write what things cost that you send me.
I meant to send for a little pepper this time. If Lemuel has a box sent this winter you can put it in. The express comes pretty fast now and I shall look for mine the latter part of this week. It takes about 8 days for it to come when it comes direct.
We have glorious news from the front. Old “Fighting Joe” has been raising the wind with the Johnnys up to Chattanooga. I think this blow must use up this rebellion certain. We have at least 15000 prisoners and worse than that all their army is forever crushed in these parts. I desire to give the praise to Him to whom it is due. There has been a lot of prisoners been going through here continuously for about 10 days. The first lot was 1,500. Yesterday there was several hundred officers went by the camp. There was all grades from brig. gen. down to third lieut. and I can tell you the majority of them looks worse than ever you saw John Eddie or Old Dick. They look sheepish enough.
Has Uncle Nate got done husking yet? He must look out or I will get home first.
There is several negroes regt. in the vicinity. They make good soldiers. The cars ran off and killed four of them the other day.
I suppose Lem is going to be examined for a commission in a colored regt. I don’t know when he will go to Nashville where the board meets to examine them.
How does Ab Shiland get along at home?
Aunt Sarah can’t imaging how much I would like to see her.
We have just had a visit from our idol of a Gen. Slocum. He stayed two nights and one day. He came through the camp and said he was glad to see his old trusty boys once more. He said we were too good a regt. to stay back to the rear but spoke of our staying here till we started for home.
We are very comfortable indeed and I am sitting by a good cosy fire while I write. Love to Aunt S. and everybody. You never say anything about Will S. or Libby.
From your aff. son,
William Fisher