Will Fisher to his mother
Stafford C. H.
February 10, 1863
Dear Mother,
We are now situated in what seems to me a good situation and that is I have received two letters from you in so short a time. I had a letter from you this morning dated the fourth of Feb. & one day before yesterday dated the 28 of Jan. You do not speak of the one in which I sent my money, but I am in hopes you have received it by this time. I have also written one since that which I had Mr. Gordon frank for me. By that you will see that your P. Stamps came in good play, for I was entirely out. I also received one from “Julia.”
You speak of the weather being so cold, but I don’t think it was quite so cold as to freeze the mercury but it was far below zero.
There seems to be a general scarcity of news of any kind just now. There does not seem to be any signs of moving very soon & about the government stopping the express, is no such thing, for the boxes come on just as usual.
There is a good many soldiers getting furloughs just now, owing to the fact that the army cannot move on account of the mud.
I got my gloves the other day. They had just come in a box. They are a splendid fit not a bit too large.
There is one of my tent mates sick, has been so for a long time. It is Jesse Wood, Widow Wood’s son at Centre Cambridge. He is as helpless as Aunt Sarah was when I left. I don’t think he will live a great while unless they get him away from here which they are trying to do. His complaint is dropsy & inflammation on the kidneys & also a bad dysentery or diarrhea that is the common complaint.
Skellie’s & Ira King’s folks sent them some medicine which they get at Jim Robertson the druggist. It is sure cure. I would like to have some of it. You can send it by mail, or by Capt. Hall, who is coming home on a furlough.
Mr. Gordon & several others are going too. There is some talk of our getting some more pay soon. I hope they will pay us the four months pay when they pay again.
The principle necessary expense in camp is the wash bill which amounts to about 25 ct a week. We have to pay 6 ct a piece, & stockings count as much as a shirt or pair of pants.
John never writes anything about how he gets his funds to go to school. Do you have to find it for him? I want you to use my money for any purpose you see fit.
I guess the folks are enjoying the sleighing very much. I think I will relish a sleigh ride if I ever get one for this is the second winter I have went without.
And of our Aunt S., I hope she don’t suffer. You don’t know how good it sounds in your letter to hear the words Aunt Sarah sends “lots of love to the boys.”
Write soon to your boy,