Will Fisher to his mother
Stafford C. H.
February 13, 1863

Dear Mother,

I have neglected writing longer this time than I want to but I have been very busy, so I hope you will excuse me this time, & besides Jimmy was going home so I thought you would hear from me by him.
For several days we have been very busy moving into our new camp & building our new huts. We have a splendid camp now & I think a very healthy one.
I suppose you would all be very much surprised to see Jimmy home but I have been trying with Ab’s help to get him a furlough for some time & succeeded pretty well. Ab has also gone home. It makes me feel rather lonesome to have them all gone.
The barrel came all right & in a good time, but my boots a little too narrow so I sold them for 11.00 & wait till payday so I will not lose anything. I feel greatly obliged to you & all the friends for the things sent to us. Mitchel sold his boots for the same price. They were the best boots I have seen this winter. I have also got Wood’s box which was very nice.
I sent for some things by Jimmy. I sent for a diary. We got the medicine that you sent in Jim’s boots & some dried currants by the Capt.
I don’t feel like writing today so I will let this go for this time. Love to Aunt Sarah & all the friends, write soon or I will have the blues when the boys are gone.

From your own boy,