Will Fisher to his mother
Camp of 123 NY Vols., near Atlanta, Georgia
August 24, 1864
Dear Mother,
As there is a little talk of moving I will just drop a line. The program I understand to be this, the 20th Corps to go back across the Chattahoochie and hold a line on the river while the rest of the army push off for Macon or around the rear of Atlanta. It is evident that some movement is in the wind. I am not so hasty as some in forming plans for Gen. Sherman to act upon. I am confident that he is competent to guide the thing right, or at least as competent as anyone. I think this however is the most feasible solution of the present movement.
I am writing for the capt. But I think I told you all the news in a letter I wrote today except that I received a darling good letter from you today. Contents three envelopes 3 postage stamps etc. Please when you write tell me how my friend Ab gets on up to Uncle Lemuel’s. Do you think there is anything which will amount to something going on between the two parties? I am encouraged some from what I hear that there is some reality. I certainly hope so. Nothing would give me so much pleasure as to have such a thing take place. I think him in the most worthy suitor that ever paid his attentions.
Much love from,
Will |