Will Fisher to his mother
Savannah, Georgia
December 24, 1864
Dear Mother,
Savannah “is ours” and the indomitable army is again victorious. This goes a little ahead of anything yet. The more I think of this movement, the more stupendous & important it seems. I can hardly realize when I think of our position last Christmas, that in just one year Atlanta, that we talked so much about, is not only ours, but Savannah too.
It does seem as if Providence was with Gen. Sherman and his army in every undertaking. Started from Atlanta in Northwestern Ga. the 15th of Nov. & the 21st of Dec. marched triumphantly into a seaboard city 300 miles from the starting point & all without firing a gun, that is, I have not fired one & but very few of the army have. This shows very forcibly the weakness & total inability of the So. Confederacy to meet an emergency.
Savannah is a large, nice place. I have not been in town yet, are camped just outside the town. The Rebs left in a great hurry at 1 o’clock AM the morning of the 21st, leaving a good share of their guns in the works spiked & the rest they tumbled into the river. They escaped to the Carolina shore. I have not yet got hold of the extent of our captures. I have heard 172 pieces of artillery.
I wrote you the 18th I think & am writing a history of the journey. I have a pass tomorrow.
I think we will fit up here and start out for Charleston, but think I will have time to get my box here so you had better fit it up & start it. As this is probably the last one I shall have, I want an “old buster.” It will not take over a week to come through so that not only eatables will keep, but come in good shape. Put in some tobacco, a little buckwheat flour &c. But it is no use telling you what I want for you can arrange that better than I. I suppose the clothing is all ready.
Now, mother, I cannot think it extravagance to have these eatables come and if anyone thinks it is, let him go as hungry as I have of late & he will change his mind.
We have had no mails since I wrote. Your last was Nov. 29th.
Tell all the folks that I heartily wish them a “Merry Christmas & a happy New Year.” Particularly Aunt Sarah and Sister L. I should like to attend one of her old fashioned Christmas “get ups." More anon from your absent but loving boy.