Will Fisher to his brother
Savannah, Georgia
December 26, 1864

My dear Brother,

“Savannah is ours.” So it is, & upon the strength of that I wish you a “Merry Christmas.”
You must excuse this lead pencil but my ink won’t work & I must do it. I had the first letter from you this season on the 18th which was dated the 7th & 8th of Nov. This is doing pretty well, but as you have had one or two miscarried, I will excuse you this time. I suppose you are posted by the papers, of our late move.
We left Atlanta on the 15th of Nov. after burning that city & marched due east by the line of the Georgia RR tearing up the track clean as we went. We kept on our course till we arrived at Madison 71 miles from A. Here we took a course due south, striking the railroad at Eatonton & going on to Milledgeville. There we had a rest of one day & the army concentrated. The right wing in the mean time had been sweeping around Macon & tearing up the Ga. Central RR.
We left after one day’s halt & followed it through to Millen tearing up the track and burning it. From Millen we have come direct to Savannah. Of the particulars of our journey I will give you a full account which I am writing for Mother & will instruct her to send it to you after she is done with it. You had better keep it & bring it to Cambridge as I will very probably forget a good deal that transpired & will need it for reference.
I commenced this letter the 26th, but have been obliged to lay it by till today the 30th for want of time.
We have had a big review today of the 20th Corps by Gen. Sherman in the streets of the city. Savannah is a gay old place I tell you & now we have a line of communications that “Johnny Reb” can’t cut off everyday. But I am so tired & dull that I will have to let this go for this time. We expect to start for Charleston, S.C. soon. This Sherman is a brick as the name would imply.
The folks at home were well the 29th of Nov., the latest I have. Write soon.

I am your loving bro,
Will G. F.