Will Fisher to his mother
Chickamauga Battle Ground, Georgia
Evening, May 4, 1864
Dear Mother,
I seize a moment tonight to write you a line on my lap that you may know I still live.
A week ago tonight we left Elk River, as I wrote you just before starting, and marched to Decherd. The next day we went over the mountain (Cumberland) and Saturday night arrived at Bridgeport and on the way were joined by our new chaplain, Mr. White, from Whitehall, N.Y.
Sabbath morning he made a few remarks before starting and we went to Shellmound, 7 miles. There is a very wonderful cave there 9 miles long. The next day, we went to Whiteside, 10 miles, and the next day (yesterday) we came to Chattanooga and today we have come out on the Ringgold Road about 10 miles, most of the way over the old Chickamauga battle ground, where, of course, I have seen a great many sad sights.
I saw in one place where a capt., lieut., and 17 men from a company of 82 Ill. Vols. were all in one grave. Poor fellows, died in the most noble cause.
For several miles the woods were perfect “chaos." Cut off by shells at all heights and the tops lopped over and dead. The cannonade must have been terrific, but I think the musketry was not near so hard as at our battles in the east.
Well, thus ends our speculations as to whether we go to the front or not, for tomorrow night we will be smack up to the front, and God grant that we may be successful and prepared to meet whatever awaits us.
Our Third Div. is one day in advance of us, that is Gen. Butterfield’s Div. The 2nd Div. under Geary is to come yet. We had a good view of Lookout Mountain where Hooker fought among the clouds. Have not seen Gen. Hooker yet.
Ira King, my bosom friend in camp or march, wants me to have you tell his folks that he is along all right and well. We stick close.
I have seen Lem every day since we started. He has had his knapsack carried and stood it well. More healthy than when he was in camp.
I was so fat and soft that it liked to floored me the first two days but have got inured now.
Lots of love to Sarah, tell her that I will think of her and you too amid whatever excitement I shall pass through. Love to all, good night and write soon to your loving boy.