Will Fisher to his mother
Near Ringgold, Georgia
May 6, 1864
Dear Mother
I mailed a letter to you last night of date May 4th but have some fears that it may not reach you because I gave it to a stranger, a man I never saw before, who was going to Ringgold with the wagons after supplies.
You will be particular to inform me if you get one of date 4th May. In it I gave you a little description of our march from Elk River up to the evening of the 4th where we were on the old Chickamauga battle ground. The next day (yesterday) we came to this place, which is about 4 miles south west of Ringgold, and as near as I can tell we are on the extreme right of the army.
The Rebels are about 4 miles from here, they say. The report is that we are to move in the morning at five o’clock without the wagons.
We have not moved today, have it for washing. I have washed one shirt and 3 pair of socks and have got them dried. It is now about 4 o’clock.
Lem has come back to the company, came last night.
The 3rd Maryland have taken their place as they only have about 50 men and their time is out in a short time. They will probably be detailed again when they go home.
This is as much as I have time for at present. Love to Aunt S. Write soon to your own boy.