Will Fisher to his mother
Stafford C. H.
May 10, 1863
Dear Mother,
I wrote you the other day when we were in the breastworks, but did not give you any of the particulars so I will write again today. I believe I told the way we marched & about when we crossed the river at Kelly’s Ford. The march occupied 4 days, arriving at Chancellorsville Thursday night the 30th of April.
On the next day we had the picket fight losing the Lieut. Colonel (who has since died) & four men & some wounded.
Most of the day Saturday we were engaged building breastworks till near night. Our division advanced about a mile & the 3rd Brigade made a slight attack, delivering one terrible volley, & then we all retired slowly & the Rebels, supposing that we were retreating because beaten, followed to what proved to be a terrible slaughter, for it was a plan to draw them into a trap. For we led them just after dark across a large open field where we had about 40 pieces of artillery planted which opened an awful cross fire from 3 different directions on them & it mowed them right down. We could hear them groan all night – it was awful.
Well, we were drawn up in a new line then, & worked that night to fortify the line & early the next morning the enemy attacked us in great numbers & we fought desperately for four hours, we in the breastworks & some other forces playing on the flanks. There was lots of them give themselves up to us. We took several stand of colors, but we finally had to retreat double quick time. We had to run more than a mile in the open field under a most galling fire. We lost more in this than in any other movement, but I got through all right & I desire to be very thankful for preservation through all that I passed in all of those dreadful days.
In the regt. we lost 140. In our co. we had 1 killed 3 missing & 20 wounded. Kelly Bishop was killed, Jim Bassett & John Hover were two of the missing ones, the other was Angeline Solomon’s brother Rufas. Ab & Lieut. Beadle was wounded, also Rob Skellie, John Ketchum, Mitchell McFarland was wounded in the neck. Lem was also hit only slightly. He is to the hospital at Aquia Creek Landing.
Early on Wednesday morning the whole army recrossed the river at United States Ford & proceeded to our camps.
But it is pretty near mail time & I must close in time to put this in before it goes.
Alex Marshall is here with us, Porter Crocker & Hiram Darrow is here & some other citizens.
I have not heard from John lately.
When we got back from the march, we had not got anything to eat & we were about starved so I got through what money I had in a hurry, so I have not got any to hire my washing done. I would like to have a little, first rate, & about 25 ct worth of stamps.
I suppose you & Aunt S. & everybody else’s folks were dreadful anxious. I knew you would be. Love to all.
Write soon to your Living Boy,