Will Fisher to his mother
On the battlefield, Chancellorsville
May 5, 1863

Dear Mother,

I hasten to relieve your anxiety by writing a word this morning.
We marched from Stafford C. H. a week ago yesterday (Monday) & arrived at the place of operations Thursday night. On Friday we had a hard battle in the afternoon. In this we lost our Lieut. Colonel & several others. On Saturday afternoon we had another fight but without any loss to the 123rd, but on Sunday morning we came to the worst of all. We were attacked early & fought behind breast works for four hours & then retired, but there was an awful battle going on all day & we were in front.
I am all right. Lemuel is slightly wounded, Robert Skellie & John Ketchum. We have lost about 20 or 30 killed & wounded & missing.
There was nothing going on yesterday. We are laying in the trenches. Albert Shiland is wounded in the leg, Bishop’s boy is dead.

I will write again soon.
From, Will